Energy Prices Go Wild: Savings Tips

It’s Not Easy But There Are A Few Things You Can Do

Jessica Russell
4 min readSep 25, 2022
Photo by Vivint Solar on Unsplash

I can’t describe my disappointment when I’ve had to be told (twice) that the roof on my home isn’t big enough to take solar panels. I suppose the rationale behind my crazy second enquiry was the vain hope that solar panels might have gotten smaller in the intervening period since my roof had certainly not gotten any larger.

Before you run off thinking my energy tips will be of no use to you because I have a tiny home… you’d be wrong. My terraced house is slightly larger than average sized for the UK. The roof faces the wrong way and has little usable space because of a loft conversion.

Anyway, that’s my first tip if you are a homeowner. Look into the possibility of domestic solar panels. Although expensive to install, there are sometimes grants available, and they will add value to your home. On sunny days, you will be in the enviable position of selling your excess solar generated electricity back to the grid once you used what you need.

Ditch the timers

Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash



Jessica Russell

Freelance writer. ADHD PhD research student. Educator. Author of The Life of Louise Norton Little, Mother of Malcolm X