I am always struggling to niche my writing. In fact, I struggle to niche my life.
I think it's a manifestation of ADHD which was misdiagnosed as bipolar for over 20 years. I'll probably write about that sometime. Suffice to say I can get interested in anything. There's a word for it apparently, multi-potentialite.
I'm a professional educator as well as an experienced freelance writer and author. To try and give my writing a broad theme, it's about the human condition. I'm moved to action by social injustice. I am fascinated by the interplay between thoughts and feelings and how power materialises through interactions. Loosely speaking, that's the basis of my current PhD study.
My new project is The Time Rebels. It's about learning to experience a better quality of life, whilst making an intentional contribution to sustainable living.
I became the Louise Norton Little family biographer at Hilda Little's request. Hilda was the daughter of Louise and older sister of Malcolm X. Buy The Life of Louise Norton Little here
Find me at @LouiseLittleBio and @OfKnockamillie on Twitter
If you want to explore working with me as a writer, editor, speaker, trainer or facilitator please email jessica@thetimerebels.com or message me on my LinkedIn page. Thank you for reading if you have!